>Welcome to Hebron French-Speaking SDA Church >Ministries >Pathfinder Club

Pathfinder Club

The Hebron Highlanders Pathfinder Club meets every Sunday morning, beginning with devotion at 10:45am.

The Pathfinder Club is part of a worldwide organization sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Juniors and teens in grades 5-12 of any religion, or none at all, are welcomed and encouraged to join this ministry.

This is a program specifically geared for youth ages 10 to 15 because it offers a variety of activities which include camporees, fairs, craft study, nature exploration, Bible study, witnessing projects, field trips, and much more. With classes ranging from Friends to Master Guide, club members learn basic survival skills while gaining a deeper appreciation for our denominational beliefs. However, our clubs have been known to have members well past their teenage years.
The Hebron Highlanders Pathfinder Club believing in "moving higher in ministry." As a result, we are blessed to have a drum corps, a drill team, and a Pathfinder choir within the club itself.
Enjoy backpacking? Biking? Canoeing? Caving? Camping? Want to be an active young Christian on an adventure with friends who love Jesus? Then join Pathfinders. Club members enjoy club meetings, camping, and service adventures designed to develop Christ-like citizens.